Saturday, July 31, 2010

Promoter, The Science of Getting Rich

As you can see, from the previous article that I am an affiliate and promoter of The Science of Getting Rich book by Wallace D. Wattles. Just so you know.

Apply the principles of the book and see results in your financial and personal life.

Join The Science of Getting Rich Network. And learn all you can about this 1910 forgotten classic.

The principles mentioned in the book of 1910 are still very much applicable in the present days.

Learn from this classic book and learn how to be a rich person and how getting rich is definitely a science of its own.

An Unexpected $36,000 - Already!

Favorite articles from The Certain Way

An Unexpected $36,000 — Already!

By Rebecca Fine

Just a few short weeks ago, Mike began to put his big plans for the year into action. Like so many of us, he and his wife had decided that now that their daughter was grown, they wanted to work less and enjoy life more — to travel, spend time with friends and family, and just generally enjoy their home on the lovely east coast of New Zealand.

Now you only have to look around to see that WANTING that kind of freedom is where many people begin and END the process! (And — ouch — sometimes we only have to look in the mirror for a good example, right?)

But for Mike, this was just the beginning. He'd recently read a small forgotten classic from 1910 entitled, The Science of Getting Rich, and something in it just "clicked" for him. Sure, he'd also read plenty of "self-help" books before. But, as he put it, "without taking them onboard."

This time, though, something was different. This time Mike decided to go for it, to apply the principles he was learning from that little book as he set about changing his life.

Back in 1987 Mike had started an electrical company and it did very well. And he and his wife also own and operate another full-time business, too. To start this year, Mike closed down his business to concentrate on a new interest, property investing, while his wife retired from running the other business, opting to handle just a bit of the administrative work on a part-time basis.

As you might expect, they originally figured this would mean some belt-tightening while Mike got his new venture going — a perhaps substantial temporary loss of income. But rather than focus on that, Mike decided to follow the instructions in The Science of Getting Rich and focus on his clear mental image of the life he wanted and to begin to take action in that direction. He also opted to participate in a course called "The Science of Getting Rich for Practical Geniuses™."

Here's what Mike reported just a little halfway through the course:

$36,000 in unexpected income has arrived!
You see, over the years Mike has developed several products and not long ago he came up with one that seemed very promising — a quality management logging system for welding pipes, including the electronic device that runs the system.

But this side of the business somehow didn't work out quite as he'd expected, so when his main client went out of business, Mike just put the product on the shelf in the garage and forgot about it. And there it sat, abandoned, for more than a year and a half.

Then, suddenly, a company which had bought several of his devices in the past showed up wanting that almost-forgotten product! Seems they'd been trying to develop a similar one on their own but had become bogged down in major difficulties. They offered Mike a good price for his brain-child and he was all set to agree.

But there was a hitch.

Two deal-killer clauses glared out of the contract — and the would-be buyer's lawyer wasn't budging.

"Never allow yourself to be disappointed," says Wallace Wattles, author of The Science of Getting Rich. So here's what Mike did.

"I tried to think of and see the deal with a positive outcome rather than see the problems in our way. I also knew the contract wouldn't work for me with those two clauses in it, so I let go of any attachment to the outcome and rang the person I'd been dealing with directly, instead of talking to the lawyer. I told him what I wanted, and I really was happy for the deal not to go ahead otherwise."


"We got our money last week. The amount will cover our basic living expenses while I start our new venture and it'll also take care of the cut in my wife's income."

And Mike did MORE. Understanding Mr. Wattles' admonition that "you must give every man more in use value than he gives you in cash value," Mike made the point of adding extra to what the buyer got.

"I spent days creating instruction manuals and also came across extra product when I did my final clean-out which I happily passed on to them at no extra cost. It ended up a good deal for all."

Good for you, Mike! And thanks for the excellent example of what Mr. Wattles writes about:

"It is not your part to guide or supervise the creative process. All you have to do with that is to retain your vision, stick to your purpose, and maintain your faith and gratitude.

"But you must act in a certain way, so that you can appropriate what is yours when it comes to you and so that you can meet the things you have in your picture and put them in their proper places as they arrive.

"You can really see the truth of this. When things reach you, they will be in the hands of others, who will ask an equivalent for them. And you can only get what is yours by giving the other person what is rightfully his ...

"Under the impelling power of the supreme spirit, people’s affairs will be so ordered that someone will be led to mine the gold for you. Other people’s business transactions will be so directed that the gold will be brought toward you. And you must so arrange your own business affairs that you may be able to receive it when it comes to you.

"Your thought makes all things, animate and inanimate, work to bring you what you want, but your personal activity must be such that you can rightly receive what you want when it reaches you."

Do you see, my friend, how all this is EXACTLY what Mike is and has been doing?

He is ...

Retaining his vision,

Sticking to his purpose,

Maintaining his faith and gratitude,

Acting in "the certain way" so that he is "able to receive."

Now lest you think that Mike has some kind of superhuman powers of concentration and focus, listen up to what he says here:

"I use the science of getting rich when I remember. Some days I work on it and others I get busy and forget. So I think results can come even when you start and only have 'average daily attendance.' I have, though, always been grateful ... It is great to have a system that gratitude is a part of."

None of us is yet perfect in thought and action, of course, and as Mr. Wattles tells us, it takes work and commitment to direct our attention and thinking. In short, like everything else worth doing, it takes practice to get good at it.

Most of us are just beginning to use these long-neglected "muscles" and what matters now is that we just start and continue to NOTICE our thinking when it goes off-track and to — without blame, shame, or guilt — direct our remarkable power of thought in the way we CHOOSE, rather than just flipping into an automatic, conditioned response — which is, when you get right down to it, the exact OPPOSITE of thinking in the certain way (or thinking at all!).

And I promise you that it does get easier and completely natural with time and practice! ;-)

So how might YOU follow Mike's lead with whatever it is you want to create, experience, or attract to yourself? Take the time to understand these principles and apply them to your own life. "Study this book. Make it your constant companion," as Mr. Wattles advises. Study it on your own. Study it with like-minded friends. And "take it onboard," as Mike is doing.

You, too, will feel the excitement as what you want begins to show up in gloriously expected and UNexpected ways!

Oh, yes — one more thing. You may have noted that Mike's forgotten product netted him $35,000 and the title of this story says "$36,000." Here's the rest (so far!):

"We have five mature avocado trees on our property that for the first time we got a commercial picker to pick." Mike had thought the fruit would be worth about $200 after picking costs. "A cheque arrived yesterday for $850."

"Also our Inland Revenue Department [the tax agency similar to the Internal Revenue Service here in the US] sent me a $200 refund last week for an error they made last year."

A few months ago, right before the course started, Mike said. "With The Science of Getting Rich, this year is going to be great." Now he grins and says, "Quite a couple of weeks, I think you would agree. I wonder what next week will hold!"

What indeed. You go, guy!


Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network where you can download your free copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich. ©2001 Certain Way Productions.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Use your talents to the hilt!

I figure, all that you could ever be are the things that you think about yourself and the things that you see yourself doing in your mind. It all starts with what you think about and how you see yourself and that gives way to what dreams you may start fulfilling in your life, in your everyday life. I think of early mornings and I was writing maybe having a harmony with the cool wind of the morning, the still dark atmosphere, the rising sun as it waves to you its rays of light. The clearness of the morning, the clear mind that you have and the spirit which you open up to God in the morning all of this contributes to being a fun time to write something and that is a dream. You create your purpose and you make it happen even if sometimes you just do it for the fulfillment of it even without money. You have nothing else to do, you are not busy, you are not looking forward to a busy day, just a relaxing atmosphere and you commune with the spirit of God. You walk outside and you feel the cool wind and you see everything around you breathes the fresh air and the fresh morning, everyone welcoming the new day.

I advise you use your talents to the hilt! Whatever it is your dream is, try as much as possible to fulfill them for God will definitely give to you the desires of your heart. He gives the desires of your heart. You are definitely made for something. You have a special place in this world that only you can occupy. You have a very special place in the heart of God and only you can occupy that too. God made you unique that only you can produce the gifts that God has given you as your birthright. You think uniquely compared to others. You can do things other people do differently. You are but only one in this world and so you are special. Nothing is more fulfilling than doing the things that you do because of your talents. Try as much as you can to search for that talent that gift where you can use it. Find that calling, that purpose, that job which enables you to be a gift towards others. Share whatever you can share with others and help others along the way too for they might need your help and by using your talents you maybe helping them in the course of their lives. There are others who maybe searching for their calling in life. I advise you to use your talents and discover your gifts. If you have a passion for teaching teach, if you have a passion for acting act, if you have a gift in art then do art, if you like numbers be in a profession that enables you to use your numerical abilities. Use your talents to the hilt! Never be sorry for what you can share. God gave them to you. You should not be ashamed of what you have. A lot of people are timid or shy when it comes to volunteering their talents for use in a given work. This comes in the form of people not wanting to aim for success. They are afraid of success. They seem to think that they cannot do it. Do not compare yourselves with others. There is no comparison. There is no contest. In school, we are always graded and as a result we compare our grades with others. Do not do that! Do not continue on seeing yourself in comparison with others. Instead, celebrate what you can do. Celebrate your uniqueness. Be good, for God who gave you these things is good. He is the source of all your talents and for being that, your talents are good enough to be used in this earth.

In the parable of the talents, the one who has five talents got five more. The one who has two talents got two more. But the one who has one, dug a hole in the ground and buried his one talent. And so he didn't use it for the good of others. Because of this, the master punished him, took away his one talent and left him with none. Much goes the same for somebody who didn't use his talents in this world. Go out, spread your wings, do not let limitations stop you from using your talents. It maybe a lack of education, a lack of confidence, an excuse of a problem with family, friends or colleagues. It maybe poverty, it maybe sickness. Do not let any limitation stop you from fulfilling you dreams, from using your talents. You have the capacity to dream and God in His goodness included in you the capacity also to make them come true. Try and try harder to get what you dream, what you desire. Examine yourself what it is that makes you alive and you now live the purpose of your very life. Where are you good at? What are your talents? What are your dreams? If you don't use your talents, God will take it away. He will say that you are not a good servant. But to the person who uses their talents well, God added unto them so much more, so much more blessings that they are being rewarded for making use of their talents and developing them more for others.

I believe that my purpose in life is to bring the good message to everybody else. It is a fantastic blessing. Another purpose of my life that I am still trying to reconcile with is to provide for my family. In this, I have to reconcile with the fact that I took up Accounting in college as a course since I don't like it very much. I know God does things for a reason and so I am trying my very best to make things reasonable in my life as it affects the life of my family. My second purpose is to provide for them financially. And, probably a third reason or purpose is to be financially independent for the world, to serve others, through providing services or products to people by way of business. Overall, it is service for myself, my family and others. I am trying to fulfill all those purposes through the use of the talents that God has given me. And so as a response to this call, I am trying to be a businessperson so that I will earn enough money to provide for my family and to be financially independent for other people so that I will be able to give my service to other people as well. Life itself is all about living your purpose, doing your missions in life, loving others and taking care of your family, self and friends. God gave all the possible gifts for us to use in this life so that we may achieve the things that we set out to do. Let us do things in a positive way always aiming to help other people especially those who need us.

There are just important things that we need to remember before we can have success in the things that we aim for. Have a good mind. Everything starts with a good thought. A thought that is God inspired will surely be a blessing for yourself and the others affected by it. A dream which comes from God is surely a plan that will hold for the actualizations of God's plans. Have a good heart. Do not plant evil seeds in your neighbor's behalf. Take things as God would have wanted you to take them. Never see or concentrate on the evil but on the good things and always praying that bad things will not reign in the everyday affairs of man in this world. Always be hopeful of the goodness that there is in this world and be hopeful of the goodness that is in others. Trust in the goodness of the Lord that He will provide for you and protect you every step of the way. Have a good spirit so that everything that you do is aligned with what God wants you to do in your dealings with other people everyday. Be a good person and so good things will come to you too. Focus on what is beautiful and the abounding blessings that God give each day. Be thankful for everything that you receive in your life. Ask for fortitude and courage which you need in your daily life. To be able to answer all the problems that beface you everyday.

Always pray for your dreams. Surely, they are good for you and for your family. And mankind as a whole. There is no purpose that God will not support if it is backed by the very goodness that comes from your personality. Live the fulfilled life that God wants you to live by making use of your talents to the hilt!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Money vs. Passions: You can reconcile them!

Money making is sometimes differentiated from your passions. It shouldn't be. But sometimes, there are events in our lives which lead to our passions not being the source of our money. Like for example take my case. When I was going to study in college, my family decided for me to take up Accountancy because it has no difficulty in available jobs. You can easily be hired as an Accountant. Even if Accounting is so far away from the desires of your heart. How would you reconcile that? They didn't even know if I like Accounting as a profession. Would I be willing to do it? Are my traits adaptable to the work requirements of being an Accountant? And so on. These are the questions that you should ask yourself before you choose what type of profession or work you would like to do in your life. As a result, for several years, I got stuck on the question will I be willing to do Accounting or not? And if so where will I get my everyday money for sustainance? I was receiving offers for Accounting jobs and yet I was unwilling to take them because I didn't feel it very much. I didn't feel that my passions lie in Accounting. And up to now, I feel that Accounting has become a very integral part of me. I am unable to pursue other tasks because I felt to be able to do that you need to study first let's say a course in writing before I could write and delve into a career in writing or communication arts which is my would have been course in college. I got stuck in being known as an Accountant and not being able to pursue the career of my dreams coz I didn't have money anymore to study a course let's say in writing. Even sometimes, business feels the same thing. Right now, I am contemplating on becoming a stockbroker which I love to do but since it is business, it has somehow the same feeling as being an Accountant because it is about Money and Finance and deep inside me I know I should be doing something about my dream of becoming a writer or a communications professional. As a result, I am still thinking on whether to pursue these goals of becoming a businessperson while focusing on Money and Finance and not communication arts.

The thing to do, primarily is to keep on going and keep on searching for the right job. If you are deciding on what to do with your available time for work, make sure that what you choose is the one that you love. I have somehow learned that in order for me to do that, I have to somehow reconcile myself with the fact that I am an Accountant and even use that to let me move on into the next stages of my working life. I cannot completely do away with Accounting since it has become an integral part of me, anyway I need money. And I do have good credentials in Accounting even though I didn't love it very much. Why don't I use that to get to where I am going? In the meantime, I can work on the things that I love by offering my articles to newspapers or magazines. Or I can start being a freelance writer for newspapers and magazines by offering my services to these publications. There sure is a way on how to work things out. And make money from them because you need money, too. Continue on studying, don't ever stop. If you aim to be good in something, work on it unceasingly, work on it everyday. I can become a good writer by studying words which I have never known before by reading dictionaries, thesaurus, studying how other people speak in English like watching tv and movies and by practicing speaking with them personally. You can do such things through school, or through the net. You can enroll in communications classses and gain knowledge in speaking and writing in English. You can read a lot of books and learn how to converse well in English. You can practice writing and writing so that you can gain ground in the field that you are after. It's the same with any job you want to do. Buy a book about it. Go to seminars and talks. Get a coach. Sign up for free informational materials and e-books on the net. Attend classes about the job that you wanted. Get trained. Talk to experts. Ask your family for emotional support. And in time you will definitely be aligned with the work that you want to do.

Discover your talents and how you want to use them. Envision the life that you wanted, how it appears in your dreams. Envision the things that you wanted including the money you are gonna make. I believe God wants abundance for all of His children. There are just some problems in this world that you cannot avoid because they are there even before we came to life but that is the vital importance of it. To contribute to the solutions. With your talents, use them so that you would contribute to the solutions to the problems of this world for the good of everybody. Discover what it is that you like doing. If you have discovered it then find out how can make money doing that which you like. There is an easy flow of gifts and talents if that is really your calling in life. Whatever it is that comes easy for you, that which you like to do, where you are good at, that is your gift, your talent. Use it to the hilt! If it is your gift to be a writer, then write. If your gift is to be an actor, act. If it is your gift to be a car mechanic, then be a car mechanic. Your gift will take you to a place of fulfillment and there is no such day when you finally become aware of the gift that you have, the calling that you want to have, the satisfaction that there is when you are working the work of all works, your predestined calling in life. Your very purpose!

Achieve whatever it is that you want! Life offers you many solutions to a given problem. When you have a desire in your heart, go for it and the solutions suddenly appear. If you want more money, you can get more money. If you want love, you can get more love. If you want more friends, you can get more friends. Just be thankful first of the things and persons that you already have in your life. Be thankful for all the gifts that God has given you in your life and move on, see to it that you look for the other things that you want to have in your life. In this way, you will live a complete life. And that extra spot in your heart that looks for completeness, reserve it for God. It is a special place where God should be. He should be the one the complete all of your yearnings, all of your cries, all of your wishes, all of your dreams. Go for what you want. I believe it is even God who puts the desires in your heart for you to finally fulfill them. By using your talents. See what it is that you want and go for them. If you want more food for your family, get that, you deserve that. If you want to help out other people, help them because that is the desire of your heart. There is such a fulfillment when you achieve the desires of your heart. And don't also forget to pray to God so that He will answer and give the desires of your heart. Whatever it is that you wish for, go for it, achieve it, dream of it and then receive God's graces for it. God wants us to live a fulfilled life. Whatever it is that we need, God readily gives. God will meet your needs. It is stated in the Bible. And also have a good relationship with God for this gives us peace in the daily toil and work and dealings we do everyday. Pray to God that He will answer all our needs and wants in our lives. God will definitely work things out on this earth for our benefit.

We can create creative solutions to our problems. Align your money making with doing your passions. If it is your passion to teach, then teach. No one must stop you to do that. That is your God given right. That is your birth right. If you are employing the things or talents that God has given you in your work, there will be a reward of satisfaction and fulfillment that you are doing God the greatest service. You are living the life that you want. You are in your fulfillment. Seek to help out as much people as you can help. Through the work that you do. God is a working God. He balances the universe for us, doesn't He? He gives you the food you eat, the water that we drink, the house that we live in, the clothing that we wear and all our other needs. Pray that God will help you by giving us the ideas that we need in order for us to work efficiently and effectively and creatively. May we be able to come up with creative solutions to our problems. Even our talents came from God. And so as a return, as a thanksgiving for Him, we should use our talents, our gifts, our capabilities to the best that we can in any given day in our lives and we should toil and work and make effort in contributing work to the whole labor that the world is producing everyday. God is always giving us solutions to our problems and so we must be open to these solutions and accept them and be willing to be used by God for His and our purposes in this given world. Remember, you can only find your purpose once you make use of your talents and gifts and align your work with your passions. Goodluck to everybody and may everybody find their passions in the work that they do.